The Batting Cages

The batting cage was originally designed for the use of professional ball players. The first ones consisted of a space surrounded by netting. Often some type of protective barrier shielded the pitcher, and the balls were restrained by the netting. The idea was to practice contact and not to see how far the ball went. The netting made chasing down the hit balls easy, so the concentration could be on getting more swings.
The development of the pitching machine gradually replaced the thrown ball in many batting cages. The pitching machine not only was highly accurate, but the speed could be controlled. The ability to control pitch speed opened up the batting cage to use by beginners as well as professionals. Today, you can find a batting cage location inside or outside. The pitching machine can be set to pitch hardball or softball style and speed. The indoor locations allow you to keep your batting eye sharp during the winter.
The Date Activity
Softball has grown in popularity over the last few decades. The success of the United States women's Olympic Softball team and the growth of softball in high schools and colleges have led to the sport being a favorite for women. Co-ed softball leagues are also popular, and a very good place to meet potential dates. The team mystique will work in your favor, and your chance to spend time together will be guaranteed by the team's schedule.
This is where the batting cage can come in to play as the ideal dating ice breaker. After all, when you suggest she go with you to a batting cage for a little extra practice, team loyalty can be a big factor in your favor. This works both ways because what guy is going to refuse to take a teammate to the cage for a few pointers. Once the practice swings are out of the way, the next step is up to you.
On Your Own / With Friends
If you are serious about your team, invite the whole team to meet at the batting cage for a bit of practice. Many batting cages are located at parks where other activities are available. It would be easy to combine the practice with a cookout or a round of miniature golf. You don't need to be on an organized team to enjoy a trip to a batting cage. It is good exercise, a lot of fun, and does not cost very much at all.