Dance Lessons

With the popularity of reality shows centered around dancing, there has been a recent surge in the number people who wish to improve their dancing skills by taking dance lessons.
There are many styles of dance, both for couples and individuals. Also, many dance studios are offering singles nights, where you will be paired with another single to learn how to dance as a couple.
The Date Activity
If you are already part of a couple, taking a dance lesson, or a whole series of lessons, can be a fun way to learn how to dance; it can also be quite romantic. Salsa dancing is a very popular choice because it is high energy, and also because there are many salsa clubs in which to practice your moves.
For those who love country music, square dancing is a possibility, but most young people prefer country couple's dancing which is done to contemporary country hits. There has been a recent revival of swing dancing, and many dance studios offer these lessons as well.
The best part about taking dance lessons is that you don't have to stop after your lesson is over. You can go to any number of clubs which offer dancing in the style you prefer, or even practice in your own living room. It is an activity that will help keep you in shape, is inexpensive, and can help revive some passion into your relationship.
On Your Own / With Friends
Taking dance lessons with a group of friends can be a great activity as well. In fact, if you have a large enough group, many studios will put on a class for you. If you are learning to dance in a group of friends, you are less likely to feel self conscious and might enjoy the process more. Dancing is a wonderful activity that you can enjoy on your own or with others for many years to come.