In November of 2005, founding partner Ron Zvagelsky found himself in a conundrum: stumped as to where he should take a very special girl on a first date who neither lived near his stomping ground or knew the area where she lived very well. Knowing that this opportunity was�a knockin�, he pondered just what to plan. Wouldn�t it be nice, he thought to himself, to be able to access a database of activities near her home full of suggestions? It was then the vision for PlanJam was born, necessity being the ultimate mother of invention.
Decision made, Ron approached childhood friend, Eugene Gimelberg, to figure out the technical aspects to make it work. With the handicap of only one published web site between the duo, together they figured out the raw mechanics needed and Eugene went to work designing the site�s functionality from scratch in February of 2006 with incredible results. PlanJam officially launched in June of 2006.
With the encouragement of users� positive feedback, Ron and Eugene continued to build on the initial website, adding a slew of content and features and re-released the site in early November 2006. As the traffic of the website began to increase, Ron began a search for a talented individual to focus the creativity of the site, define a distinct brand and help harness a solid marketing vision. Enter, Lainie Liberti. Early 2007, Ms. Liberti joined the team as a creative and strategic liaison, supported by her team at jungle [8], PlanJam underwent an extreme makeover. The result, which launched in January of 2008, is the very website you see before you now!