
With its domed ceiling, digital projectors, and realistic view of the moving heavens, planetariums bring the heavens to earth. The earliest planetariums were created in the early 13th century, yet there are records of primitive forms of planetariums dating back to antiquity. In fact, the oldest planetarium, the Eise Eisinga Planetarium is in Holland and was built in 1781. Amazingly, it is still in operation today. Planetariums are found worldwide and they are extremely vital teaching tools for explaining the heavens and how celestial objects work.
Planetariums bring together a realistic view of heavenly objects and combine theatrical effects and illusions to create dazzling shows. Though some planetariums focus on astronomy from an educational point of view, you may be amazed at how much entertainment is provided by your local planetarium. In the early 80's the first computerized planetarium was installed. Once this technology came into existence planetariums were able to create entertaining displays that featured any imagery they chose along with the celestial sky. In fact, many planetariums also feature IMAX films, the highest quality film there is. Planetariums have helped bring the universe into the grasp of the common man.
The Date Activity
Visiting a planetarium is a great activity for a date. There is nothing more romantic then stargazing and planetariums provide you with a dark romantic setting full of stars, heavenly objects, and wonder. Not only is the environment perfect, but also most planetarium shows are educational as well as entertaining. You may also be amazed to find that your local planetarium offers laser shows as well. These laser shows are set to soundtracks, such as Pink Floyd's The Wall and are as enjoyable as attending a concert. However, make sure that your date likes loud rock music, and all the extras before choosing a Laser Show for your date experience. If rock music, lights, and fog are too much for your date, stick with a tour of the galaxies.
If your local planetarium houses an IMAX theater, then you will find that viewing a movie IMAX style is also a great activity for a date. If the recipient of the date has never seen an IMAX film, you can rest assured that it is an experience they will never forget. One of the nicest things about visiting a planetarium on your date is the fact that it is very inexpensive. You could go out to a nice dinner first and then visit the planetarium afterwards. In fact, you will probably have saved enough to splurge on the dinner date. After the planetarium show has ended, you can either enjoy the museum or go out for coffee and discuss the new astronomy facts you just learned. However, whether you choose an energetic rock laser show, and IMAX movie, or an educational journey through the galaxies, visiting a planetarium is an excellent activity for a date.
On Your Own / With Friends
The planetarium is not just the perfect date setting; it is also a great activity to attend with a group of friends. Rather than simply going to the club, why not enjoy dinner, drinks, and a night viewing the stars or an IMAX movie. Planetariums are full of educational activities. If you are interested in astronomy but never learned much about it, the planetarium is a great place to start. Usually, after a show, there are question and answer sessions given by experts. It is a great way to further your interest while acquiring educational knowledge.
See Also: IMAX Theaters